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The Spiritual Financial Coaching Process


Updated: Jul 17, 2023

As a financial coach, I can give you money management tools and logical solutions to all of these issues based on knowledge and wisdom, but I would be doing you a disservice. That’s not what God is after. God is after our hearts, and there are spiritual character traits behind all of these financial issues. God wants to change our hearts, not only our heads. As a Christian financial coach, I can help you find where God is working through your financial life.

That kind of spiritual heart change takes renewal and time and practice. Financial coaching can help you stay on track. Logical solutions and better habits will help solve your personal finance problems. When you start with the spiritual heart changes the Holy Spirit wants to make, then you will discover a whole new relationship with God (and your spouse, if you’re married).

I would like to share that with you!

Coaching Packs for Your Situation

If you're not sure if coaching is right for you, let's talk on a short 15-minute, no obligation, free Discovery Call.

Maybe you just want an objective third-party to review your current financial situation and recommend opportunities and find pitfalls. We can do that with a 90-minute Snapshot Meeting.

If you're ready for financial coaching, you can book our Base Coaching Pack commitment. We’ll spend 3 months together building 8 spiritual financial traits and releasing 8 worldly financial burdens. Including an introductory Snapshot meeting, that’s 9 one-hour meetings in 3 months.

If you are married, you can choose the extended Marriage Coaching Pack with 3 additional one-hour meeting topics, which would be a total of 12 weekly meetings in 4 months.

After your coaching pack is completed, you can decide if you want to do monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly checkup coaching sessions to help apply what you’ve learned and achieve your financial goals.

Our 3-month base coaching sessions are progressively topical:

Session Spiritual Trait Financial Burden

1 Honesty Debt

2 Renewal Spending

3 Prayer Saving

4 Stewardship Risk

5 Generosity Investing

6 Gratitude Lost Income

7 Mission Retirement

8 Blessing Inheritance

The 3 optional married financial coaching sessions can be added anywhere in the original sequence, but in this order:

Session Spiritual Trait Financial Burden

A Mutual Service Roles

B Quick to Hear Miscommunication

C Intimacy Mutual Goals

If you’re ready to take a deep dive into the truly Abundant Life that God has given us as Christ-followers, I can help. I don’t have all of the answers. But I do know Who does, and He wants you to have life, and to have it joyfully and abundantly. Come and see for 3 months, and we’ll discover what God can do in and through you spiritually and financially.

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